How to masturbate

I know you know how to masturbate, but we’re going to take a deeper look at it and find some ways to use your alone time to help increase your staying power during intercourse. A good way to look at self-love is to see it as training for sex.

Just like anything else, if you have poor training habits, then those habits will carry over into your game. The prime example of what I’m talking about is probably exactly how you bop your bishop right now; with the exclusive goal of ejaculating as quickly as possible.

This technique is very common among men and probably goes back to your adolescence. Back then, you were afraid of being caught while you were giving yourself the old low five, so you aimed to ejaculate as quickly as possible to avoid any extremely embarrassing situations.

These days, however, you probably have less to fear in the form of being caught and, even if you did get caught, you probably wouldn’t care as much. That’s why you can throw away that old habit of making your swan spit up as fast as humanly possible and slow things down. If you can break yourself of this habit, then it will translate to the bedroom. Every time you pick up a pound of meat, you are training your body to ejaculate as fast as possible. You must change your training technique.

Breaking the “fast masturbation habit”

This is fairly common sense, but I think it’s worth commenting on because there is a right and wrong way to go about this. The important thing is that you set up your time to masturbate in the right way.

You want to be masturbating for at least 15 minutes. This means that if you have only 5 minutes before you’re expecting someone to come home or if someone is in the room next to you and is highly likely to come into the room you’re in any time soon, then it’s probably best not to masturbate.

The environment in which you do it is the number one factor. If you’re doing it in a very active environment then you’re going to feel under pressure to finish as soon as possible.

What I recommend is finding a time when there is no one else around, if possible. If this is difficult for you, then try doing it early morning or late evening when people are unlikely to disturb you.

You’ve got to do everything you can to choose the right environment to masturbate. For further peace of mind, it’s ideal if you have a lock your door as well. This is of course not a must.

So you’ve found a place to masturbate where you won’t be disturbed for at least 15 minutes. If you’re used to masturbating for less than 5 minutes then you will need to make a conscious effort to slow down the stimulation. The chances are that if you’ve been practicing masturbating very quickly for a long time, then you will probably be adapted to ejaculating fairly quickly.

By masturbating slower you can increase the time before you ejaculate. This therefore trains your body to see it as normal to last much longer. I also recommend using the “recognizing the onset of level 4” approach as well, described in the earlier chapter. Once you can recognize the onset of level 4 you will have no problems masturbating for at least 15 minutes.

Simulating sex

Like I said before, masturbating is like “training” for sex. What you do when masturbating reflects how your body will react when you actually have sex.

Sometimes, however, masturbation can seem quite different from sex. You might be someone who finds that they can masturbate for a very long time, but when it comes to sex you can’t last more than a few minutes, if that. This is because for you, masturbation is nothing like sex. The stimulation is completely different and therefore you produce completely different results. (Note: It’s also likely that some other factors like your psychological approach are affecting you as well so be sure to review that chapter)

The solution to this problem is to therefore make masturbation a lot more like sex. There are several ways in which you can do this.

Treat it like sex

Start stimulation slowly and build your way up. Don’t start pounding a 100 miles an hour.

Do any other preparation you would normally do. For example, I highly recommend urinating before any sexual activity because this takes pressure off the ejaculation muscles.

Use lubrication

If you’re used to dry masturbation and when it comes to sex you suddenly come into contact with a wet vagina then that’s a totally different type of stimulation. You need your body to be adapted to the type of stimulation you receive during sex for your training to be transferable to sex.

Get a vagina simulator


These are available to purchase online.

You may think this is an extreme approach, but if you really want to make this change then investing in a vagina simulator can really help make the difference.

By using the vagina simulator you can get your body used to stimulation remarkably similar to sex.

If you can get your body used to the physical stimulation from a real vagina then that will make a significant difference to how long you can last in bed as long as you improve your psychological approach as well.

Consider using a condom

If when you have sex you use a condom (I recommend it for partner who you don’t know much about) then it may be worth masturbating with a condom, too. Remember, you want your masturbation to simulate sex as much as possible, so if you often use a condom then this will make masturbating all the more realistic.

Use the techniques in this guide

Just because you’re masturbating doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be practicing these techniques. If you were having sex then you’d be using these techniques so use them while masturbating too. You need to do as much as you can of what you would do while having sex so that you can make masturbating feel like sex.

Practicing these techniques has the added bonus that it gives you more time to practice all the different techniques from this guide.

Control your arousal through your nose

Earlier, we learned how to control our thoughts to help control our arousal. We also learned that controlling our arousal is one of the most important factors in ejaculation control. Now, we’re going to learn how to use our breathing to control our arousal.

Everyone’s mind and body are intimately linked. When we change our bodies, we change how we feel and vice versa. A simple way to test this is to skip breakfast, lunch, and dinner one day. By the time you crawl into bed, you will be tired, depressed and maybe even angry. That is because your brain did not get the physical sustenance it needed to sustain your psychological level. Again, simply put, changing something in your body will change something in your mind.

The perfect way to breathe?

There is no perfect way to breathe, but there are definitely ways that are a lot better than others. A good deep breath is one that gets as much air into your lungs as possible and gives them a chance to absorb the oxygen from the air as well. This means you want to be breathing slowly and ideally holding your breath for a small period of time as well. This should then be followed by a slow exhale as well.

There are numerous different time proportions recommended for inhale-hold-exhale, each backed by equally qualified people. My advice is to have your time spent on inhale, hold and exhale in relatively equal proportions.

Don’t worry about being precise just try and get it roughly equal. One thing you must do is be sure to inhale long enough to fill up most of your lungs with air. If you get the time portions spent in inhale, hold and exhale roughly equal then you will be giving your lungs a good chance to absorb as much oxygen as possible from the air.

Using your diaphragm

There are two main different ways in which you can take a deep breath. The first one is by expanding your chest as much as possible. The second way is by lowering your diaphragm to pull air into the lungs. If you don’t know how to breathe with your diaphragm then try this:

Take a deep breath, but keep your chest expanded at the same level that it is without air in it and expand only your stomach. Expanding your stomach is the same process as pulling the diaphragm downwards. As the diaphragms pulls downwards it draws air into your lungs. The second way of breathing is much more effective than the first at getting as much air as possible into your lungs and is the way you should use when deep breathing during sex.

Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth

The most relaxing way to breath is in through your nose and out through your mouth. This method is great for building up a powerful rhythm of breathing and is also proven to help you relax more than any other way of breathing.

When you combine all these factors you will be getting as much air into your lungs as possible. With more air in your lungs you will have more oxygen in your body. This will help to relax you and also cause your heart rate to fall. With a fully relaxed body you can feel in control during sex.

Applying this during sex

When it actually comes to sex there’s a good chance you will forget to breathe properly, unless you’re consciously thinking about it. If you find yourself having sex and have forgotten about your breathing then don’t worry.

The best thing you can do as soon as you become conscious of your breathing is to slow it right down and follow the breathing method I described above. What you will find when you do this is that your body reacts to the deeper breathing by relaxing. When your body is relaxed your levels of arousal will also fall slightly, therefore bringing them back under control.

Lowering your arousal levels using breathing

The above method of breathing has been a technique to try and keep you in arousal level 3 for as long as possible. Sometimes, though, you will find that your arousal levels get very close to level 4. If this happens you can use breathing to your advantage as a tool to lower your arousal level.

When you find yourself moving into level 4 arousal, you need to do everything you can to break the pattern. This means you need to make a radical change in either your thinking or your physiology.

A great way to do this is to stop and take in a very long and slow deep breath. You should be inhaling for at least 5 seconds, but ideally longer, and holding and exhaling for the equivalent amount of time.

What you also need to do is put all your thoughts and focus on your breathing as well. Forget all the sexual thoughts you have going through your head and focus only on your breathing. By thinking about your breathing you will be changing the thoughts going through your head and therefore also changing your level of arousal. You may want to repeat this style of deep breath several times to lower your arousal levels enough to put you back in complete control.

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