Sensual Massage To Strengthen Relationships


Never perform an erotic massage on your partner if they are experiencing any type of illness or are experiencing any pain in their body without first consulting a qualified medical professional.

The erotic massage instructions provided in this eBook are for fun only. Nothing expressed in any way is ever meant to treat or cure any illness, ailment, or other medical problems.

If you have any doubts or concerns about whether you should be giving an erotic massage to anyone, it is your sole responsibility to seek medical advice from a qualified professional first before starting your massage.

Why does sensual massage strengthen relationships?

Receiving a massage can be a very intimate experience for almost every man. In fact, the act of being touched by the right person can be as relaxing as it is sexually arousing. It is not at all uncommon for men to develop solid erections on the massage table, leaving them searching for a way to relieve all of that erotic tension.

Now, what if I told you that women experience the exact same sexual arousal during a skilled massage? Some women become so caught up in the sensual experience that masseurs are actually trained to pick up certain reactions, such as grabbing and hip movement, and see them for the signs of very high levels of sexual arousal that they are.

Outside of the professional massage setting, these reactions are very beneficial to your relationship. The right massage will increase your emotional, mental and physical health, as well as strengthen your intimacy and trust both inside and out of the bedroom. It will also increase sexual desire in both your lover and yourself.

Humans are meant to touch

Before our species even developed verbal communication, we relied on touch as a means to communicate. You can see it in apes and other primates today at the zoo. Love, fear, happiness, sorrow; all are emotions that are conveyed through touch.

It’s a simple biological fact that humans have emotion and physical responses to touch. That’s why physical contact is so deeply rooted into our society. Numerous studies have even shown that children who grow up with an abundance of healthy physical touching grow into happy, healthy adults, with the reverse being true for children who did not receive the same level of affection. According to a study conducted by Michael L. Commons and Patrice M. Miller, researchers at the Medical School’s Department of Psychiatry Harvard University, the stress a baby feels when separated from its mother’s touch can cause changes in an infant’s brain, making it more susceptible to stress as an adult (Powell, 1998). One of our most primal needs as infants is to be touched (Zeman, 2001).

Other studies have shown the same to be just as true for adult men and women. People who receive frequent forms of touch, such as hugging or caressing, report feeling happier and much more content in life than those who do not receive it.

In her book The How of Happiness, author Sonja Lyubomirsky discusses a variety of studies on the benefits of physical touch. In one such study, students were assigned to two groups. One group was the control group and had no task assigned. They just went about their lives as usual. The other group was told to go about giving and receiving up to five hugs a day for a period of 60 days. The study revealed that the students in the group of huggers were happier (Lyubomirsky, 2008).

Another study discussed in Lyubomirsky’s book showed that women who received hugs and other forms of physical touch from their husbands had lower levels of blood pressure than those who weren’t hugged as often (2008). In addition, there are studies that show that playful and affectionate touching makes us feel closer to the people who are important to us. Touching also dramatically increases a person’s sense of well-being and positive feelings toward the person touching them (Lyubomirsky, 2008).

The studies go on, as do the benefits of massage. Couples can experience not only improvement in their sexual relationships, but improvements to their health as well.

Physical benefits of massage

Receiving massage on a regular basis comes with many health benefits that include, but are not limited to:

  • Stress relief
  • Body relaxation
  • Improved circulation, posture, and flexibility
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Decreased depression
  • Optimized immune system

If you’ve ever gotten a really good massage, then you know just how exhilarating the experience can be. The question is: why can we have such a strong sexual response?

Sexual benefits

Massage has the power to influence a person’s actual brain chemistry. During the physical contact of massage, the masseur is stimulating the receiver’s endocrine glands, which release serotonin, DHEA, testosterone, and oxytocin. Studies reveal that when a massage stimulates blood circulation, it strengthens the cardiovascular, endocrine, immune, and nervous systems, it can help to improve sexual health.

Research shows that massage can also increase our desire for sex and ability to achieve orgasm. One scientific study conducted by the University of California San Francisco found that women given a 15 minute Swedish massage experienced increased levels of oxytocin, a hormone that is released during sexual orgasm in both men and women. This has led many experts to believe that massage can provide sexual benefits to women by increasing both their desire for sex and ability to achieve an orgasm (UCSF, 1999).

Preliminary findings of a study at the Touch Research Institute showed that couples that massaged each other had lower levels of sexual performance anxiety. They also reported increased physical intimacy (Hernandez, 2000).

Since therapeutic massage produces so many benefits, it only stands to reason that sensual massage between partners can magnify those benefits. Sensual massage, however, is not the same thing as therapeutic massage. Sensual massage is an experience for both the mind as well as the body. During a sensual or even erotic massage, the magic is in where and when you touch your partner as much as it is in how.

Sensual massage is an amazing way to strengthen your relationship with your partner and deepen your intimacy. This type of massage is very much like and extended

foreplay session. When you explore your partner’s body through touch, you learn what makes that person relaxed, excited, and exhilarated.

Erotic massage benefits

When you connect with your partner through physical intimacy, the pleasure you feel is amplified. Erotic massage is a way to accomplish that goal. Whatever the current state of your relationship, sensual and erotic massage can add a new level of excitement and enjoyment. When you touch your partner, you are bonding with that person through the oldest form of communication in the human species.

Erotic massage has been practiced by princes and paupers for centuries. All over the world, from culture to culture, erotic massage has been developed into the loveliest art form in the world. Men and women from China to Egypt and India, as well as people who called themselves Greeks, Celtics, and Aztecs have expressed their love and passion though massage.

The art of erotic massage can benefit not only the recipient, but also the masseur. Men who have noticed a distinct lack of sexual desire in their female partners have used erotic and sensual massage to reignite the old flames of passion.

Touch and massage also helps the communication between sexual partners. In fact, the simple act of spending quality, intimate time together helps builds greater trust within relationships. Sexual intercourse, although it is an act of intimacy, simply does not last long enough to build these aspects of relationships.

Men, almost as a rule, tend to move too quickly through sexual intercourse. As a result, many women often complain about feeling dissatisfied with sex. Some even develop difficulty in achieving orgasm. What these things boil down to is a feeling in women of sex being more of a chore than a pleasurable experience.

Women are wired differently than men. Men instinctively desire and seek out sex. It’s simply biology. Women, however, need arousal before sexual intimacy. They, unlike men, rarely become aroused by the simple sight of their partner’s naked body. Women need much more in order to become sexually excited.

This isn’t really ground breaking, new information. Many men have already learned this and have tried to use massage to increase sexual excitement in their partners. However, many of these men fail.

This failure isn’t due to anything more complicated than the man simply not knowing how to give a massage. As is the case with most things in life, massage is a skill that must be learned. Just as a person must learn to drive a car in order to be safe behind the wheel, one must learn the art of massage in order to avoid causing pain or unintentionally increasing the stress levels of the partner.

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