Sensual Massage To Strengthen Relationships – What is erotic massage?

It may be enjoyable to get a good back massage, but the experience of an erotic massage offers intense pleasures, both physically and emotionally. The pleasures are felt not just by the receiver, but by the giver as well.

With your partner’s naked and vulnerable body in your hands, she must give you her unwavering trust. This level of intimacy is one of the most important aspects of erotic massage. While a typical massage can be used to relax tense muscles and relieve tension, erotic massage is trualy an experience of both mind and body. It is a slow and sensual process that relies on not only where you touch your lover, but how and when.

Erotic massage is not just about sex. Instead, it’s about reconnecting with your partner through the power of touch, letting go of stress and inhibitions, meeting your partner’s need for affection, and discovering the true meaning of love and intimacy. For a better understanding of the intimate nature of erotic massage, let’s take a look at some of its most important benefits:

  • It is the ultimate stress reliever. Not only will your partner feel relaxed, her stress will subside. At the end of the session, she will have a much better outlook about her life, you, and your relationship.
  • Like other forms of massage, erotic massage is therapeutic. It can help comfort physical pains and ailments, such as sore and knotted muscles, pinched nerves, aching joints, injuries, contracted illnesses, and disease.
  • Erotic massage is just that—erotic! Not only does it tease the senses, it shows your lover that the two of you are capable of sharing unbridled passion. It also heightens intimacy, which can ultimately lead to release of all inhibitions, titillating each partner into the act of lovemaking.
  • It can help couples let go of emotional conflict and encourage understanding and forgiveness.
  • Sensual massage is perfect for setting the mood for a romantic evening or a sexy adventure.
  • It can reduce anxiety about sexual performance and body image.
  • Erotic massage can enhance sexual desire within both partners, even in women whose desire for sex seems to have burned out. Sensual and erotic massage is sometimes all that is needed to rekindle those flames of desire and keep the fire burning.
  • When allowed to blossom into lustful passion, erotic massage can bring about intense orgasms as your partner allows both her body and mind to unite with yours.
  • Sensual massage is an expression of love and desire that never fails to provide your partner with the reassurance and comfort she needs.
  • Erotic massage can be used as another form of communication that is translated through touch, without any need for words.

Connect in new ways

If you’ve ever been in a long term relationship, then you have probably felt what it’s like to be with someone, while still feeling completely alone. Relationships and love in general are not simple things. While romantic comedies and erotic novels would like you to believe that they are simple things that never require any work, actual love is a completely different animal.

In any relationship, the most vital thing for the man is typically sex. For the woman, the most vital aspect is affection. By vital, I mean that most men and women cannot live a happy and fulfilled life if their most important needs are not met. Many times when a man is not happy with his relationship, it’s because his partner is not providing him with enough quality sex. When a woman is unhappy, however, it is quite often because her ultimate need for affection is not getting met. When a relationship becomes complacent, it is usually a sign that one of both of the partner’s needs are not being met.

No matter how it starts, when one partner’s needs goes unmet, a vicious cycle often begins. For example, if a man fails to provide his female partner with the affection she needs, she will feel neglected and withdraw from him, often turning down his sexual advancements. In turn, the man feels rejected, negative feelings develop, and he holds back his affection towards her.

This cycle is very common between couples, especially those who are married or who have been living together for many years. But the good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way.

Sensual and erotic massage can give you the tools you need to break the cycle and meet your lady’s need for affection. Through the act of touching your partner, you can heal both your partner and your relationship. In doing so, you will be able to better connect with your partner and strengthen the bond between the two of you.

You can use erotic massage and the power of touch to give your partner your loving admiration, love, and support. When you give your partner the gift of touch, she will have no choice but to let down her walls and open herself to you. Just one session of consciously touching your partner can dissolve years of misunderstandings and neglect, and release feelings of long, companionship, trust, and intimacy.

A loving relationship is much more than a few scenes of romantic conflict. It’s a work in progress that needs constant reinforcement and nourishment. Through the art of erotic massage, you can naturally reinforce and nourish the love and intimacy in your relationship and elevate it to an entirely new level—one that promises many happy tomorrows.

Sexual desire

When in a long term relationship, the most common complaint from the man is his partner’s lack of sexual desire. Despite every attempt to arouse his partner, he often goes to bed unfulfilled and extremely frustrated.

Women, however, need to be emotionally connected to their partner’s in order to be receptive to sex. Her needs are directly linked to how she feels about her partner and their relationship.

Men just biologically need sex. It isn’t the same way for women. Women need a reason to desire sex. While a man can instantly find himself sexually aroused by the site of his partner’s naked form, it usually takes a lot more for the woman to feel the same arousal. This is where erotic massage becomes so important.

A massage can be quite rejuvenating both physically and sexually for both partners. This is due to the massage having the ability to influence our brain chemistry through the stimulation of our endocrine glands. During this stimulation, our glands produce more serotonin, DHEA, testosterone, and oxytocin— chemicals responsible for inducing sexual desire.

For women, the effects of an erotic massage are like a natural aphrodisiac. In addition to the stimulation of hormones linked to sexual desire, the massage also increases blood circulation. As the hormones begin to flood into her enhanced blood stream, she becomes sexually aroused and her desire for sex increases.


Erotic massage has also been proven to enhance orgasms in women. One scientific study conducted by the University of California San Francisco found that women given a 15-minute Swedish massage experienced increased levels of oxytocin— a hormone that is released during sexual orgasm. As a result, women can experience sexual benefits from both sensual and erotic massage by increasing not only their desire for sex, but also their ability to achieve an orgasm (UCSF, 1999).

Erotic massage can also reduce anxiety about sexual performance in both men and women. Preliminary findings of a study at the Touch Research Institute showed that couples that massaged each other had lower levels of sexual performance anxiety. They also reported increased physical intimacy (Hernandez, 2000). With reduced anxiety and increased affection and intimacy, many couples’ sex lives are rejuvenated by introducing sensual and erotic massage into their relationships.

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