
Medical Disclaimer

This guide is for informational purposes only. It is not designed to treat, cure or diagnose any disease, health problem, or other medical condition. Before attempting any of the exercises or using any of the information contained in this guide you should consult a doctor or qualified medical physician. This guide is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice.

How to use this guide

Premature ejaculation is a very common problem among men and, as such, comes with many ways of fixing. Some methods will work for some men, while others will work for a different group. I have included a large variety of differing techniques in this guide to better help you last longer when it counts the most in the bedroom.

I highly recommend that you take a few minutes to this section that explains how to use this guide. You do not need to read this entire guide in its entirety, but knowing how to use it will help you to freely dip in and out of it at your convenience.

You must first learn to understand what is involved in achieving your goals and making them a lasting part of your sex life. That is what I will cover in this section, and then I will offer you many different techniques to help you realize your goals and be the man you want to be.

One step at a time

The worst way you can approach this guide is to get too excited at enjoying its benefits and try every method all at once. Your goal is to improve an important area of your life and should be treated with patience and an empirical mind. If you move too quickly and do too many things at once, you’ll soon find yourself burned out and lacking any motivation to continue.

The best way to tackle these life altering methods is to slow down and try one at a time. Choose one, practice until it’s right, then keep practicing until it becomes second nature. If you try to jump ahead, or move onto another method before mastering the previous one, you will no longer be practicing the basics and your performance will undoubtedly reflect this.

Please, take these methods one at a time. Learn one until it becomes a subconscious part of your actions, then move on to the next one. Soon enough, you will be able to use all of the different techniques together without trying and you will be in control of the most important part of every man’s life: what happens in the bedroom.


The second most important thing you can do for yourself is to set a major goal. It is not at all uncommon for most people to pick up a guide like this and, although they start out with every intention of seeing it through, they often quickly lose motivation and let their self-improvement fall by the wayside.

That is why setting goals for yourself is so important. By setting those goals, you are setting waypoints that you can achieve and mark your journey from where you are now to the man you will become.

You should also avoid setting vague notions of where you hope to be in a week. You must create concrete goals that you can accomplish within the timeframe given. This guide will help you map out a sustainable momentum that you can follow.

Focus on the positive

Set goals based on what you want to happen, as opposed to things you don’t want to happen. If you focus on the negative, then you will subconsciously move toward and get yourself stuck in a very uninviting cycle. When you set goals that focus on positive things like what you want to happen, you will have a much happier outlook on all of the work you’re doing and will be able to move toward those goals whether or not you are consciously focusing on them.
When you set positive goals and keep your thoughts positive, you are much more likely to achieve your goals. Remember, you are taking steps to become the man that you want to be, as opposed to the one that you are now. Constantly being down on yourself is no way to accomplish that.

Use Specifics

You must understand the difference between saying “I want to last longer in bed” and “I want to be able to last forty-five minutes, at least three different times in bed.” The first will leave feeling unmotivated because there is no concrete victory point. When you use a vague goal, you will never know if you’ve achieved it or if it is even attainable.
When you choose something like the second example, you will be able to see yourself move closer and closer to your goal. You will have hard numbers that you can reach and celebrate when you finally do. When you use specific measurements, you can see how far you’ve come and how much further you have to go without becoming disillusioned with the whole thing because you can see tiny improvements. With a measurable goal, you can achieve small amounts of success on your way to enjoying a complete success.

The deadline

Once you’ve got your goal, you need to set a deadline. Without that, there won’t be much motivation to keep your practice up, because you won’t have anything concrete to work with. If you go around with a general desire to improve your bedroom performance, but have to way to measure your improvements, you are rarely actually making any. Having a goal without a deadline is the same thing as giving yourself an illusion of self-improvement.

When you set a deadline, you suddenly realize that you must take action to achieve your goals, or you will miss your deadline and not live up to your full potential.

For example, if you last less than 2 minutes in the bedroom and you want to last over 30 minutes 4 out of 5 times and you want to make this change within a month, then it’s pretty obvious you need to take some drastic action to make this change. You are going to have to take consistent action to make constant incremental improvements in your time in bed. In the first week you could focus on mastering one method, which may add 5 minutes in bed. The second week you could focus on a different technique which may add 10 minutes in bed, and so on.

No one can every know how much they can accomplish in a given time, so you will need to test your experiences to find out what you can do and know that these concepts are real and will work your you.

What to do

1. Ask yourself: “If it were possible, how long would I like to last in bed?”

  • Don’t limit yourself. Pick a how long you would like to last in bed

2. Make this your goal

3. Make sure it’s measurable

  • Like I mentioned earlier, you’ve got to know you can be sure when you’ve actually achieved your goal

4. Define it in the present tense

  • This is really important, because if you describe the goal in the future tense then you’re directing your subconscious mind to think it’s something you will never have because you will always be moving towards it, but never actually have it.

5. Make sure it’s stated in the positive

  • You’ve got to be moving towards your goal, not away from it

6. Set a deadline to the goal

  • Depending on how ambitious your goal is you may wish to set it at anything between a month to several months.
  • You should set your deadline ambitious enough so that you instantly begin to feel a sense of urgency to start taking action. The presence of the deadline should make you feel like you’ve got some changes to make and work to do.
  • If you’ve set a very ambitious goal the best thing to do is to small chunk it into smaller goals and set deadlines on those as well. This will keep you motivated and remind you that your big goal really is achievable.

7. Create a plan

  • Now take your goal and think backwards in time. Think what would be the mini goal or milestone I would achieve before achieving my main goal. What would be the mini goal I achieve before achieving that mini goal? And so forth…
  • Keep doing this until you get back to a goal that is immediately in front of you.
  • Your action steps to plan are those that take you from one mini goal to the next
  • Read through this guide
  • Once you’ve read through this guide you can pick various techniques that you will want to master which will take you from one mini goal to the next.

8. Start today

  • Hopefully the quality of your goal is so good that you’re itching to get started
  • Get started today and don’t put anything off
  • A rule of thumb is: “If you don’t do something or make a commitment outside of yourself today there is no guarantee you will ever do it.”

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