Sensual Massage To Strengthen Relationships - Relaxation is the key: Relaxing massage techniques

You must relax before you begin your erotic massage. Going into it with a high level of excitement from the start will only serve to make you try to move faster than you should. Take a deep breath and calm yourself. Clear your mind of all stress inducing thoughts. Both your mind and your body must be right where they should when beginning, and that is with your partner.

Most importantly, lose any expectations that you have on the outcome of your massage. You must initiate it as the giver, not the receiver. You are doing this for your partner and not your own gratification. Do not expect anything from her.


Your goal is to provide her with a pleasurable and memorable experience. If you enter into the massage with only her intentions in mind, she will pick up on your intentions and open herself up more fully to the experience.

You must move slowly. You want to connect with your partner, not pressure her into a sexual encounter. Whether or not your massage ends in sexual penetration should be her decision and hers alone.


The rest of this eBook will be dedicated to instructing you on when to perform certain strokes. It is absolutely imperative that you know what they are and how to perform them.

It is not at all necessary for you to be a skilled masseuse to give a sensual or erotic massage. You must, however, know the basic movements of your hands and fingers to give any kind of massage at all. The following information will help to give you idea of how to perform these strokes in order to give your partner her first erotic massage.

Circles: Move your hands in a firm, circular motion, working your way outward and away from her spine. Your hand movements should mirror each other.

Glide: Place your hands on the lower part of her butt with your palms flat and fingers pointing towards her head. Using the weight of your body, firmly (yet gently) push your hands up and along her spine.

Thumb Strokes: Using your thumbs, move in a circular motion along her muscles to ease (spend extra time on muscles that feel tight). You can also use your knuckles in the same manner along either side of her spine to create a sensual sensation. Be sure to work your way upwards and away from the spine.

Start off gently with your partner and make sure you ask her which strokes she most enjoys. Be certain to ask whether she enjoys a firm or gentle touch and ask her to tell you when and if she wants more oil.

Keep one hand on her body at all times. This means that you should try not to stop your massage when changing techniques. Watch her facial expressions and body language to make sure that she is comfortable, relaxed, and above all, not in pain. If her face is relaxed, then her body is relaxed.

For the most sexually stimulating experience, the more body area you can cover in a single stroke, the better. Using short strokes on occasion and in areas such as her hands, neck and feet is okay, but for the larger areas of her body. Long strokes bring a much more pleasurable sensation.

Release the tension from her back side

Take your time with the following stress-reducing techniques. It will help to relax your partner and open up her trust to you.

Begin with her lying face down on the massage table so her back side is completely exposed to you. Grab the towel or fabric that you got during your preparation and drape it over her cute buttocks. This way, she’ll feel much more comfortable than lying completely naked.

Prime your hands by applying one teaspoon of your massage to your hand and rubbing them together briskly. Once the oil is warm, you can finally begin.


With the flat of your hands facing downward and using long, slow soothing strokes, apply a delicate pressure and move your hands back and forth and up and down the entire area of her back. If you feel too much friction on her skin during your rubbing motions, apply a bit more oil.

When stroking your partner, it’s good to use directional movements. Start at a particular spot on her back and end at another spot. An example of this would be to start at the base of her lower back just above her buttocks, then move up in a long slow stroke to her shoulders, and then down the sides of her arms all the way to her hands. Using both of your hands one on each side of her body simultaneously to do this gives a great effect, but you can as well do it using one hand. After finishing a stroke such as this, you can then repeat it in reverse by starting from her hands up to her shoulders and then back down to the base of her lower back. Or, start by follow ing in reverse and then continue a transition to another area of her body.

Shoulders and neck

Many people hold most of their stress in their shoulders. Women typically carry greater amounts of their stress here, so massaging them is a great chance to soother your partner. Take this information to heart and she will immediately be much more receptive to the rest of the massage.

Standing beside, her, start your stroke from the outside edges of her upper shoulders, where her arms connect and slide them up toward her neck. Continue up to her neck and then down, back to her shoulders. Repeat this a few times, then, using the ends of your fingers and thumbs, repeat the process again.


If you want to apply a bit more pressure on her shoulder muscles, you can light ly grab (like a light pinch) and knead them between your thumb and fingers. This works well when using both hands together, with one hand on each side of her shoulders. And remember, if she expresses any kind of pain while you are doing this or any other massage techniques on her, back off the pressure or move to another location.

Now you can move up to her neck. Again using the ends of your fingers flat against her neck, rub gently up the sides of her neck starting from bottom to top. The lower point of the neck muscle you are massaging here starts around the base of the shoulders, and the highest point is where the muscle connects with the back of her head.
These muscles tend to hold quite a bit of tension and stress, so it’s important to spend some extra time in this area. The amount of pressure you use depends on what she personally likes. The best way to find out is to ask her how it is.

Arms, sides and breasts

With her arms extended in front of her, lightly run your hands down her arms all the way to her fingertips. When you reach her hands, give a light squeeze of affection to let her know that you care. To her, it will create a similar and safe sensation like that of holding hands. You can even play with her fingers and hands a bit by
caressing them gently. With a light grasp, and using your thumb, gently rub the palms of her hands, all the way down to her fingertips. This can induce an incredibly relaxing sensation, as we use our hands in just about everything we do in life, so massaging your partner’s hands can give her a considerable amount of pleasure. After
a brief hand massage, run your hands back up her arms until you get to the sides of her upper torso.

Using your fingertips, lightly stroke the sides of her upper body and the soft delicate skin around the sides of her breasts, lightly grazing and teasing these areas. Remember that the sides of a woman’s breasts can be a very sensual erogenous zone, but they can also be a source of pain. If your partner’s breasts are sensitive or sore, stay away.

Slightly increase your pressure and create a pulling movement with your hands, starting from the lower part of her sides and moving upwards toward her back. Continue this movement all the way across the side of her body back and forth a few times. Repeat on the opposite side of her body as well. Just be sure not to push your fingers into the delicate tissue along the sides of her breast when performing this stroke.

Next, take the flat of your palms and run up them up the sides of her upper torso starting around her hips, then continue up to the point just below her armpits, and then back down again. Perform this stroke a few times up and down in a smooth and soft motion.

For an added relaxing and sensual effect, as you are coming down her sides from top to bottom, begin moving your hands slightly under the front-side of her body so that your hands are now in between her skin and the surface she is laying on. Essentially what you are doing here is wedging your hand under the weight of her body. The sensation to her as you move around under her like this is very pleasant and gives a great sensual effect, plus it will relax and soothe her muscles.

Also, when doing this move, a natural continuing stroke while you still have your hand “wedged” underneath the top half of her body would be to follow down along her sides under her hips, and then down under her upper legs all the way to her feet. This particular stroke will begin to prime your lover for the more sensual stage of the massage.

Belly wave

Starting from one side of her body, begin slowly sliding your hands under her belly all the way to the opposite side of her torso. Move your hands back and forth away from and towards yourself in a gentle, rhythmic, and wave-like motion. Repeat this maneuver three or four times. It is especially important to use enough oil on your hands to allow maximum glide and reduce friction.

This will create a very pleasant and gentle rocking motion. The result will be a movement that soothes and relaxes your partner’s entire belly area and stomach muscles. It’s also very sexy to her for you to have your hands underneath her like this. The weight of her body pressing down upon hands, along with their movement over her stomach, produces a very sensual effect that she is sure to enjoy.

After finishing the belly wave technique, continue massaging her upper and lower back, shoulders, neck and arms for as long as you and she desire. The main idea at this point is to soothe, relax, and de-stress your partner to the point where she feels completely relaxed and at ease with you. From here, you can now move in the direction of more sensual, sexual, and erotic destinations on her body. Remember that when you move from one location on the body to another, add more oil to the new area of skin you are going to be massaging. Warm the oil by rubbing it between your hands a few times first before applying it to her body.

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