Super Nut Smoothie
The Recipe.
First, you’ll need a blender. Any blender will do. I could rattle off some of my personal favorites, but I don’t want you to think I’m pushing any company. Get a cheap one or an expensive one, or just use the one you already have. It’s your personal choice.
- 1 ¾ Cup Nut milk, Coconut milk or Spring Dragon Longevity Tea
- 1 Scoop Chocolate or Vanilla Sun Warrior Protein Powder or 1 Scoop of Chocolate or Vanilla One World Whey Protein Powder
- 1 ½ Tablespoons spoons melted Raw, Organic Coconut Oil
- 1 teaspoon Organic, Raw Maca or Maca Extreme
- ½ teaspoon Polyrachis Ant Powder
- ½ teaspoon Cordyceps Mushroom
- ½ teaspoon Reishi
- 8 almonds
- 1 pinch Himalayan Sea Salt
- 4 drops Chocolate Flavor Sweet Leaf Stevia
- ½ banana
- 1 teaspoon raw Honey
- 1 teaspoon raw Cacao
- 1/8 teaspoon raw vanilla
Mix the ingredients in your blender and blend them on high until the potion is good enough to drink! Seriously, how easy was all of that? What did it take you? Five minutes?
The absolute best part of this drink is that it easily takes the place of a full meal! Think about it, coconut is very healthy for you and can be extremely filling and satisfying. If, however, you find yourself getting hungry again sooner than you normally would after a meal, just go for three full tablespoons of the coconut oil instead of the 1 ½ above. This stuff is a true superfood in every sense of the word and won’t ever have any negative side effects. If that still isn’t enough for you, don’t hesitate to double or even triple the number of almonds in there as well. Don’t forget, this is the Super Nut Potion! The more nuts you put in, the bigger nut you shoot out!