Giving Her An Orgasm - Chapter 4: Mapping Out the Female Orgasm
In this chapter; we are going to get into more detail and help you map out the journey to the female orgasm. You will learn exactly what happens when a woman has an orgasm and why it is important. We will discuss every level in the female arousal scale and the different changes that occur.
To map out the female orgasm; we will go through four levels to reach climax.
Here are the levels we will cover:
Level 2 – Arousal
Level 3 – Release
Level 4 – Aftermath
I will break down each level and teach you how to flow naturally from one level to the next. Once you find out the details of each level you will be much more inclined to be successful when you put some of the techniques into practice.
As we approach each level; I will give you an overview of exactly what that level entails. I will also let you know what is going on in the woman’s body and sexual organs during each level. You will be able to recognize the level that she is in every step of the way and you will be able to easily recognize if she is faking arousal or an orgasm.
After the map is explained; I will show you several techniques that you can use during each level.
When all the information is presented; I will give you an overall guide with all the steps needed to get to the female orgasm.
Level 1 – Attraction
Think of this level as beginning subtle foreplay before you even get her in bed.
You are not going to get a woman to have an orgasm unless she is attracted to you. The arousal building up to a female orgasm is a slow build. You can do small things leading up to a sexual encounter that will have her ready to have an orgasm by the time you get to the bedroom.
The key to this level is to build up her arousal so that she is prepared sexually for the next level.
Sexual Attraction
There are two levels of attraction: the attraction that draws her to you and sexual attraction.
Attraction begins when you first set eyes on each other. If you are her type; she will start out with an initial attraction to you. What you do from there will judge how fast you get her to a level of sexual attraction, if at all.
If you are already with someone; you have obviously moved past the first level of attraction. If you are with a woman who is not attracted to you it would be a whole different discussion.
I will assume that you either have a wife, girlfriend or someone in mind that you are going to have sex with. You have moved past the initial attraction and you are ready to graduate to sexual attraction. That’s what we will focus on here.
When you reach the level of sexual attraction; she will want you and anticipate having sex with you. When a woman is in this heightened state of arousal; she is more inclined to respond to flirting and touching. You can already start using some of the subtle foreplay techniques to slowly elevate her level of arousal.