Intro: The Subject of Erectile Dysfunction

There Is No Need for Alarm

The ways that ED can affect your life should not alarm you. We have discussed things that contribute to the condition, but there is no reason to let these things rule you. Remember: You don’t have erectile dysfunction just because you are depressed or frustrated. You simply have erectile dysfunction because there is not proper blood flow in and out of the penis.

If the condition is easily treatable without doctor’s visits or medications then it’s clearly not something that you should be stressing about. You are not a helpless victim. You are the one that holds ALL the power when it comes to curing your erectile dysfunction. It is a condition that is short-lived when you treat it properly. Why let it change who you are?

You don’t need a specialist. You don’t need expensive treatments. You have all you need right here to make erectile dysfunction a thing of the past. Why would you go to the doctor if the solution to your problems is right inside your head? This guide will show you why you have ED and exactly how to get rid of it and you can do it all on your own.

The Comprehensive Guide You’ve Been Waiting For

What treatment, that you can perform yourself, can be powerful enough to eliminate your erectile dysfunction? Can you really make such a drastic change in your sex life without going to a doctor? Of course you can.

Erectile Dysfunction is temporary. The solutions we give you are permanent. When you get rid of your ED, you will see that all the other contributing factors will be much easier to manage as well. This is not a quick fix. This book aims to get to the core of what causes ED so you can get to the heart of the problem for a lasting solution. Quick fixes would give you temporary results, if any.

The notion that you can cure your ED without a doctor is not a pipe dream. It is an achievable reality that you just took the first step in achieving by acquiring this book. You may ask how you will be able to cure ED without the help of the doctor and the answer is simple. There is only one real physical problem that you need to fix. If you work on the condition that is restricting the blood flow to your penis then your ED problems are about to be remedied.

A Guide to Eliminating Erectile Dysfunction will show you how to do just that. It will outline a comprehensive plan to change your diet in order to promote blood flow into the penis. The proteins, amino acids and enzymes that we outline for you are crucial in getting things to flow properly inside your body so you can enjoy a normal sex life. There are also a host of recipes and guidelines for you to follow to assist you in your journey to being the virile and desirable man you always knew you could be.

The Double-Edge Sword

There are many things that work in tandem when humans achieve and maintain sexual arousal. Mental and physical stimuli work together to drive us to sexual gratification and the gratification of our partners. Our muscles, nerve endings, blood vessels and chemicals are triggered in our brain and body by our emotions and physical stimulation.

If something is wrong with any part of this network, it can lead to erectile dysfunction. The mental aspects are just as powerful as the physical. When it comes to arousal; the mental is always affecting the physical and vice versa. For example; our self-esteem and sense of pride can affect our ability to perform sexually. In turn; a decrease in the ability to perform affects our self-esteem and sense of pride. It’s a paradox we can get trapped in if we allow it.

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