Intro: The Subject of Erectile Dysfunction

Negative Impact on Your Sex Life

Whether you are in a relationship or not; ED can negatively impact your sex life. If you don’t have a healthy sex life; the implications can hinder you from finding someone to settle down with when you are ready. If sex is not a pleasant experience for you; you are not going to get any better at it. The negative feelings that it causes aren’t going to get any better either.

The sad thing about these feelings is that there is nothing you can do about them directly. No amount of discussion or consolation is going to help you feel better. The only thing that is going to ease your mind and put you on the path to a healthy sex life is getting rid of your erectile dysfunction.

This is not a problem that you can ignore and hope it’s going to go away eventually. The only way it is going to go away is if you make it go away. It’s going to keep happening until you address the condition and take the proper steps to cure it. You can probably buy some time if you are a sexual dynamo and know different ways to satisfy her without using your penis, but you are going to have to tackle the problem sooner or later.

Finding ways to satisfy her again and again without using your penis is possible, but it can be difficult finding them all. Many guys are just not good at foreplay. Where does this leave them? It’s a good thing for us that there are multiple ways to treat this problem. Throughout the course of this book; you are going to be finding out about every single one of them.

You no longer have to fret about your problem. You are well on your way to solving it. You will be pleasing your partner (or multiple partners) in no time. You will be able to enjoy the healthy sex life that you had always hoped was possible. Expect results when you put the ideas and practices in this book to good use. The methods shown here are not just good for your sex life. They are good for your health and well-being. The positive results will have a ripple effect in your life in a positive way rather than the negativity of erectile dysfunction.

Basically; if you let ED rule your life, it will have negative implications on your entire being. If you make an effort to cure your ED; it will have just as profound of an effect on your life, but in a positive way.

Added Stress

Stress is another problem that multiples itself when it comes to ED. Stress can be the root cause of ED. It can also be the thing that keeps it going. All the symptoms of ED seem to feed each other until they feel too much to bear. The stress is multiplied and tends to contribute to the other symptoms and vice versa. It’s a never-ending cycle that will consume you unless you get out of it.

Stress is something that is always going to be there as long as you have erectile dysfunction. Getting rid of that stress is crucial if you hope to eliminate your ED. You might think that it is easier said than done, but it is most certainly achievable. ED is already enough of a problem. Why complicate it further by stressing out about it? When you find out all the facts; you will see that there was never a need to stress about it in the first place.

The main thing that is going to take away a large portion of your stress is the knowledge that the condition is not permanent. Not only is it not permanent; you can treat it yourself. You don’t have to rely on expensive doctors or prescription drugs either. The cure is inside you. All you need are the tools to find it and you are in the process of learning all of them. Stay calm and know that the following chapters in this book are going to help you.

There is no longer a need to stress out. The problems with your sex life will soon be over. They won’t just be over. The problems will dissolve and make room for better and healthier practices that will help you become a better lover than you ever imagined. You probably hoped to cure your ED with this book, but you may not have realized that you are well on your way to being a master of sex. It all depends on how well you embrace the material.

Reducing your stress will make the exercises and methods more effective. Turn all the negative implications of ED into positives. You might find yourself stress free and having the best sex of your life before you know it.


Depression is the ugly stepchild of stress. The stress and loss of pride you feel from ED feeds your depression. It can become a debilitating combination. Depression is actually more of a serious problem in our society than ED is. It’s a mental disease that affects thousands, if not millions of people daily. When depression is feeding all your other problems that perpetuate ED; you are caught in a web that seems impossible to escape from.

It has been proven that depression and erectile dysfunction coexist in many men and each condition makes the other one worse. Major studies have shown that more men who have depression suffer from erectile dysfunction than those who do not. Many factors go into perpetuating ED, but none are more constant than depression.

Depression contributes to erectile dysfunction, but that does not mean that everyone who suffers from depression is going to have problems with it. Depression perpetuates ED indirectly. It’s the importance that we put on our sexual prowess that perpetuates the depression. Then the depression feeds the ED. You can see how it’s easy to fall into this trap and difficult to get out of it.

Men tend to feel inferior to other men if they can’t sustain an erection. This can have a major impact on the way men feel about themselves. Depression is the results of letting this feeling of inferiority consume you. You think that you have ED because you are defective. That could not be further from the truth. You just got off track. All you have to do is make the effort to get back on.

Loss of Fertility

A major source of pride and self-worth for a man is the ability to impregnate a woman. The power to create life inside of a woman can give a man great confidence and pride. What does he have if he loses this ability? Is he still a man? This can be a devastating power for a man to lose.

Even if a man is single and doesn’t want children at the moment; it can still be devastating for him to lose his ability to get a woman pregnant. When a man loses this power; it affects his ability to form a bond with his sexual partner. The need to be intimate lessens because it is not a pleasant experience for him.

A man’s sense of pride, among other things, is affected by his ability to perform in the bedroom. When this happens; men tend to tell themselves that you are worthless and unworthy of their partner. If they know that they don’t have the ability to get her pregnant it can make them feel the same way.

If a man loses his ability to get a woman pregnant; he is not the only one affected. The woman is affected by it even if she is not the origin of the problem. Being with a man who she knows cannot get her pregnant can be stressful for a woman and make her feel restless. Any types of feelings like this can affect her feelings of intimacy toward her partner. They lose that strong bond that keeps couples together and the woman starts feeling unstable in the relationship. Women might also begin to feel a loss of pride because they think it’s their fault that you cannot perform. They feel like you might be fine if you were with someone else.

Erectile dysfunction can really disrupt your life if you let it. It’s sad that something so easily treatable is causing so many men and so many couples so much grief. You don’t have to suffer from this grief any longer. All you have to do is read this book front to back. You will find all the tools and tricks you need to have a healthier sex life than you could ever imagine.

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