Intro: The Subject of Erectile Dysfunction

Recognizing the Symptoms

More often than not; a man who suffers from erectile dysfunction does not suffer from it in all sexual situations. For instance; many men have no problem achieving and maintaining an erection during masturbation. Then when they are with a woman, the erectile dysfunction rears its ugly head. This should prove to you that much of your problem is purely psychological in nature. If you suffer from erectile dysfunction in every sexual situation, including masturbation, the problem is more than likely to be a physical problem.

What Causes It?

There are three things that must occur if you are to achieve and maintain an erection. If you have a problem with any of these three things; you will not be able to function normally during sex.

  1. Veins must be constricted to restrict blood flow OUT of the penis.
  2. There must be messages sent from your brain to your penis through sexual stimuli.
  3. There must be unrestricted blood flow to the penis.

There are many causes for erectile dysfunction both mental and physical. Some of the most common physical causes are diseases that restrict blood flow like hardening of the arteries. Mental causes for the ailment are much more common. These causes can be depression, stress or anxiety over not being able to function normally. Worrying about it can actually cause it if you aren’t careful. Mental issues can easily affect you physically and could even lead to injury. Also, as I have mentioned before; drugs and alcohol in any form can affect your ability to maintain an erection.

Don’t Put Unnecessary Stress on Yourself

Humans tend to fear what they don’t understand and erectile dysfunction is no different. It only takes one wrong idea or thought to snowball into many debilitating ailments. Misunderstanding leads to fear. Fear leads to anxiety and stress. Anxiety and stress can lead to many problems both physical and mental.
I’m going to make this easy for you. There are two simple things that you can do to avoid falling into the trap of erectile dysfunction.

      1. Read this book and apply it to your life. Trust that it has the information that you need to find real solutions to problems in your sex life.


    2. Know, without a shadow of a doubt, that this is a problem you can fix. Never lose hope. Believe in your heart that the ability to cure your erectile dysfunction is within you.

If you learn all of the causes of erectile dysfunction, you will know for sure which of them applies to you. If you have a better understanding of the causes, you can more easily avoid them. Remember that this ailment can contribute to other problems that you might need some time to work through as well. There is nothing you can do about that initially, but you can learn how to deal with problems that arise without perpetuating more. The more you learn to deal with your ailments, the less power they will have over you.

Ways Erectile Dysfunction Can Affect Your Life

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) can send a ripple effect through your entire life if you let it. Here are the most common areas of your life that are affected and why. This should give you a better understanding of how to avoid them.

Loss of Pride

There are often things in our lives that make us feel less than we are. The fear of failure is one of the most basic fears of any human being. It can cause them to think negatively of themselves and lose their sense of pride. There is almost nothing more devastating to a man’s pride than losing his sexual prowess. This is one of the very few things that can make us feel like our manhood has been stripped away. This is a feeling that no man wants to have.

ED takes a man’s ability to look at himself as a viable sexual being. He tends to feel more vulnerable to feelings of disillusionment and wonders if he is even a real man. This condition is not the end of the world and these are irrational feelings to have, but this is how adversely this can affect our view of ourselves.

Ways ED Can Affect Your Pride (if you let it)

  • You feel defeated as a man. You either retreat into your own head or deny the feelings that it’s giving you and overcompensate by trying to be more macho. This can affect the relationships in your life all the way across the board because you start to come off as a negative person.
  • Your confidence is shattered. Any confidence you had built up in yourself as a virile man is called into question. You feel that, if you can’t satisfy a woman, you don’t have much to offer them.
  • You feel shame for your condition. You start to feel like you don’t count. This might make it difficult for you to interact with others. If you feel inferior to other men and worthless to women; it doesn’t help your social life.

This is only some of the implications that this condition can have on your life. How many of these feelings should we be feeling as men if we have ED? The answer is none. These thoughts and feelings can be damaging to you mentally and physically and they need to stop. You have the ability to stop them. All you need is some guidance.

All your feelings of defeat, loss of confidence and shame are unwarranted. Erectile Dysfunction is a condition just like any other. It doesn’t mean that you are less of a man. All it means is that you have a medical condition that can be easily remedied if treated properly.

Problems in Your Relationship

It can be a great feeling when we find another person we are compatible with enough to have an intimate and lasting relationship. If a man in a relationship suffers from Erectile Dysfunction, he might allow it to affect the feelings he has for his partner and the way they feel about him as well. The man’s mind is preoccupied with his condition and his partner is preoccupied with his negative change in demeanor. Not to mention the fact that they are not receiving sexual satisfaction.

One of the main problems couples have with dealing with erectile dysfunction is lack of communication. If a man is having all these negative feelings and doubts of his manhood; he closes off rather than talking to his partner about it. His mental feelings of worthlessness turn physical in the way he carries himself and this can affect his partner’s feelings for him. The partner is left feeling like they are the problem rather than knowing that their man is dealing with a condition that could benefit from communication and understanding.

If a man doesn’t communicate what he’s feeling; his mental problems caused by ED can make his significant other start to feel like he is no longer interested in them. The problems are within him, but the way they are manifested can make his partner feel left out or unwanted. Besides, no matter how much a man needs help with his feelings and emotions; he’s not going to admit it; especially when it comes to sexual matters.

You can avoid the problems in a relationship or a marriage that are commonly caused by erectile dysfunction. This condition does not mean the end. If you know, in your heart, that you can overcome erectile dysfunction; you can catch these problems early before they can do any permanent damage to the relationship.

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