Chapter 4: Facts about Erectile Dysfunction

Curing Erectile Dysfunction the Natural Way

Many natural treatments like Horny Goat Weed and Ginkgo Biloba have been used to treat erectile dysfunction. You really have to look close at each one to be sure if it is really proven to work or if it’s just another experiment. Results are likely to vary from man to man depending on the multiple causes of his ED. That’s why it’s best to know exactly what is in these natural treatments and how they treat your ED before you actually start using them.

Results of scientific studies on natural remedies for ED vary as well. Some of the studies claiming to prove that these remedies really worked seemed to have inconsistencies. Some of them didn’t seem to be set up well enough to find any conclusive proof one way or the other.

Many doctors who prefer the use of drugs like Viagra over natural remedies to treat ED say that the findings from these studies are not conclusive because the tests were not conducted properly. They also advise that men consult their doctor to make sure they don’t have any treatable medical conditions before they resort to trying various natural remedies.

Many doctors and medical professionals advise against trying to treat your ED on your own, especially if you can’t figure out what is causing it. To treat ED properly; you must always find out what is causing it before any treatment is started. You run the risk of giving yourself the wrong treatment or masking the real problem that will just continue to get worse. Generally; only men with a mild case of ED will benefit from natural remedies. If you have a severe case of ED; erection medication or medication to treat the illness causing your ED is required.

Below are the most prominent natural remedies that are meant to treat ED. I will provide details on each type of treatment to let you know whether they are safe and effective or just another shot in the dark.


  • Pomegranate Juice:


Pomegranate juice is a healthy addition to your diet whether you suffer from ED or not. Drinking this juice has been proven to reduce your risk of high blood pressure and heart problems. It has not yet been proven whether drinking this juice can definitely prevent ED, but there have been some positive results in some small-scale studies. Even if it doesn’t help with ED; you might as well drink it anyway and enjoy all the health benefits. You have nothing to lose with this one.


  • DHEA:


This is a hormone that the human body coverts into either testosterone or estrogen. The male body needs testosterone in order to become sexually aroused. If there is a deficiency; patients are prescribed supplements that contain DHEA to raise the levels back up. This has been known to treat some cases of ED, but there are some drawbacks. This treatment could affect the functioning of your pituitary gland. Also; the effects of using DHEA long term have not been determined.


  • Ginkgo Biloba:


This herb, as mentioned earlier in the chapter, is known as an alternative treatment for ED. It is believed to help slow down the aging process, but the jury is still out whether it can treat ED. A small study was conducted before 2000 that showed favorable results. Another larger study conducted after 2000 did not have the same results. Be careful taking this herb since it has been linked to abnormal blood clotting.


  • Horny Goat Weed:


This herb, along with many others, has been a proposed treatment for ED for quite some time. The herb contains a compound called Icariin that is said to produce the same types of effects as ED medications like Viagra or Cialis.


  • Arginine:


The body naturally produces nitric oxide which can open up blood vessels in the body to promote blood flow. L-Arginine is an amino acid present in food that causes the body to produce more of this nitric oxide. Supplements of this amino acid are said to be successful in treating ED, but only in men whose bodies don’t produce nitric oxide properly. A nitric oxide deficiency is one of the symptoms of cardiovascular disease. There have been studies that show that arginine helps these men treat their ED without any side effects. Be sure to consult your physician before using this treatment.


  • Yohimbe:


As mentioned earlier; this is an herb taken from the bark of the yohimbe tree that is said to be useful in treating ED by opening up the blood vessels in the penis. Before Viagra was invented; many doctors used to prescribe this for the treatment of ED. It is no longer widely used because of ED medications and potential health risks of extended use. It has been known to cause headaches, high blood pressure and anxiety.


  • Acupuncture:


This is the term used to describe a procedure that involves stimulation of specific points on the body using needles. This has been used to treat ED for many, many years, but no one seems to know if it actually works. All studies done on the effects of acupuncture on ED have been largely inconclusive. Many western doctors claim that most of the studies done on acupuncture for treating ED were not conducted properly.

As men grow older; it is more important to eat right and curb unhealthy habits so things like ED and other health complications don’t start creeping in. As you get older; cut down on alcohol and avoid binge drinking at all. It’s a good idea to stop smoking as early as possible too. This is the first step in avoiding erectile dysfunction so you can enjoy a healthy sex life well into your later years.

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