Chapter 4: Facts about Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction: The Physical Aspects

There are a lot of physical aspects that go into achieving an erection. Touch, sight, sound or even smell triggers a sexual response. The erotic message travels up to the brain and the brain sends messages to the reproductive system to trigger blood flow into the shaft of your penis. When all is said and done; you should have a fully erect penis.

Sometimes things go wrong in the process and cause a disruption in blood flow. Diseases or medical conditions sometimes cause restricted blood flow. Medication taken for other ailments can cause ED as well. If you want to learn the best way to treat your ED; it’s best to find out what causes it. Here are some of the most common physical causes of erectile dysfunction.

  • Brain and Nerve Conditions:

The nervous system is at the center of your sexual response. If something goes wrong in your nervous system; your ability to achieve an erection will be disrupted. Your penis and your brain need clear communication without interruption. Neurological disorders that can affect ED are Parkinson’s, stroke, Alzheimer’s and Multiple Sclerosis.

  • Diabetes:

This is one of the main diseases that contribute to ED physically. The reason it affects your erections is that it negatively impacts your blood vessels and nerves. These are two things that are crucial to achieving and maintaining an erection. If this disease is not treated properly; ED problems could get worse and worse.

  • Disease of the Kidneys:

Diseases of the kidneys can affect multiple aspects that contribute to an erection. They can attack sections of your nervous system and adversely affect blood flow and hormones. They also weaken you physically and affect your energy level during sex. The medications associated with kidney diseases can cause problems with ED as well.

  • Cancer of the Prostate:

Prostate cancer does not directly affect ED. Although; the chemotherapy and other cancer treatments can affect your ability to achieve an erection.

  • Diseases of the Blood Vessels:

Anything that blocks blood flow is likely to affect the blood flow to your penis that is needed to achieve an erection. Some of the blood vessel disorders that can contribute to ED are high blood pressure, high cholesterol and hardening of the arteries.

Here are some other physical causes of erectile dysfunction that are not necessarily related to disease.

  • Testosterone Problems:

If a man has a deficiency in testosterone or other hormones; it can affect his ability to sustain an erection. It can also affect his sex drive and overall interest in sex. Some of the things that cause problems with hormone balance are depression, liver and kidney disease, tumors on the pituitary gland and prostate cancer treatments that involve treatment of hormone levels.

  • Drug and Alcohol Abuse:

We have already learned that drug and alcohol abuse can directly affect your ability to get an erection, but it can also have long term affects that contribute to ED. Alcohol, drugs and cigarettes are all known to cause problems in your blood vessels. They can also aggravate other conditions that you may have that contribute to ED.

  • Prescription Medications:

This is another one of the most common causes of ED. There are 300 or more medications on the market that contribute to ED.

  • Enlarged Prostate:

This is a common problem that comes with age. The prostate of older men becomes enlarged and they aren’t able to sustain a normal erection.

  • Injury:

There are several injuries that can contribute to ED. If you suffer an injury to your penis, scrotum, spine, bladder or pelvis it could cause ED depending on the severity and the area affected.

  • Surgery:

Some surgeries can cause complications in your reproductive system. Certain minor injuries could arise that during surgery that contribute to ED. The surgery that is needed to treat prostate cancer and cancer of the bladder is known to cause certain nerves to become damaged. These injuries usually heal within 6 months, but can take as long as a year and a half.

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