Chapter 2: We Got It All Wrong

More Myths Surrounding Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction is a Permanent Condition

Your ED can and will get better. There have been so many advancements in recent years that have allowed us to better understand erection problems. There might be some decreased sex drive that comes with age, but simple exercises and healthy diet can help you maintain a normal sex life for much longer than we previously believed. These days; people aren’t even thinking twice about having sex well into their 70’s. If you have a problem with your sex drive or your erections; the earlier you catch it, the faster you can cure it and enjoy normal and even mind-blowing sex.

Certain drugs and dietary supplements can assist you in fighting ED, but they are not a miracle cure. Medications prescribed for an aging body are not going to do anything for your mental state. To properly eliminate ED; you must combine any necessary medications with diet and exercise and a way of thinking that is beneficial to your emotional well-being.

Various Supplements, Drugs and Exercises Make Your Penis Bigger

An age old question that men have been asking themselves for years is whether or not penis size matters. Whether or not it matters to women; it certainly seems to matter a whole lot to men. They need to feel superior or dominant over other men and penis size is a big part of what gives them their male pride. If the size is not a size that they can be proud of; they search for ways to lengthen it or increase its size any way they can. Men have tried some pretty ridiculous things through the course of human history to make this happen.

There are no drugs or supplements with the definite ability to increase penis size, but many websites claim that their creams, ointments and penis exercises can increase both the size and girth. The truth is; none of these things have been proven to be effective in increasing penis size. The only way there is to effectively increase penis size is surgery. This can be very painful and carry unwanted side effects. Many men want a bigger penis, but not at the expense of their health.

You Can Stop Erection Problems with Pills

Manufacturers of male enhancement pills will have you believe that their pills will empower you to do anything, including sustaining an erection for long periods of time. They forget that erectile dysfunction is caused by any number of conditions. Male enhancement pills are actually only effective in treating a very small number of ailments associated with ED.

What if you decide to take Viagra and the blood flow into your penis is not the problem? Viagra only addresses the problem with sustaining an erection. It doesn’t deal with any of the mental or dietary aspects of your condition. Those conditions go untreated and you trade long term effective treatment for a quick fix that will have unforeseen consequences. Medications are meant to assist you. They are not meant to be a miracle cure.

You Only Need Help with Erectile Dysfunction if you are Elderly

You would be hard pressed to find a man who will admit that he needs help at all; much less when it comes to his emotions. It is more socially acceptable for older men to need help, but erectile dysfunction at a young age is more common than men are willing to admit. The truth is; age is not as much of a factor as the wrong way of thinking.

No matter how much they try to hide it; ED is a problem with men of every age. If something goes wrong in your sex life; you need to address it no matter how young or old you are. There are quite a few things that can cause a man to have erectile dysfunction and only a few have anything to do with age. If you get erectile dysfunction at an early age, don’t stress out about or get discouraged. If you’re still young; your body will respond well to the diet and techniques outlined in this book. If you follow the guide, you are sure to be enjoying a happy and healthy sex life in no time. The changes you make will affect your sex life positively for years to come.

Erectile Dysfunction is a Mental Condition

This myth isn’t entirely true, but part of ED is certainly mental. If a man’s head isn’t right; he is not going to perform well sexually. He is preoccupied with other feelings and emotions and he allows them to affect his ability to sustain an erection. Worrying about how he performs is one of the biggest concerns a man has with sex. If he concentrates too much on his performance, his sex drive suffers.

A man’s mental condition can contribute to ED, but it is certainly not the main cause of it. There are multiple factors that can contribute to erection problems. The mental aspect of these factors needs to be addressed along with other things as well. If you approach ED as a purely mental condition; you might be overlooking some important issues that need to be resolved if you ever hope to rid yourself of ED.

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