Chapter 4: Facts about Erectile Dysfunction

If you have difficulty achieving and/or maintaining an erection and it interferes with your ability to have sex; you have Erectile Dysfunction. If this is happening to you; there is something going wrong in your body and mind that is not allowing you to function normally during sexual intercourse. This is not something that happens with age. It can occur at almost any age and it’s a sign that you need to make a change. Don’t leave it untreated. With a little bit of guidance; you can restore your sex drive and become a better lover in the process.

It’s normal to have trouble with an erection from time to time depending on the circumstances. What is not normal is having erection problems as much as half the time. If you have problems four or five times out of every ten times you have sex; you have ED.

Before we go further; let’s go over some questions that you might be asking yourself about Erectile Dysfunction. These are some popular questions that men tend to ask about this condition to give you a better understanding of the truths and the misconceptions.

How Does a Man Get Erectile Dysfunction?

In order to understand how a man has erection problems; you must first understand how he gets an erection. Three things must happen in order for a man to get an erection:


      Signals from the brain must stimulate sexual desire.


      There must be proper blood flow into the penis.


    The veins must constrict to hold blood inside the erect penis.

ED occurs when something interferes with any of these three processes.

Hardening of the arteries and weak veins are some physical conditions that could cause ED. Anything that effects blood flow is going to affect your erection. Depression and stress can have the same affect. Both mental and physical factors sometimes combine to make the condition worse. ED can also be the result of an injury to the penis or groin area.

Do a lot of Men Have Erectile Dysfunction?

Yes. Approximately 5% of men suffer from erectile dysfunction by the age of 40 and 15 to 25% of men over 65 suffer from it.

Many men have problems with achieving an erection that don’t have ED. One of the most common causes of temporary erection problems is alcohol. This is where the term “whiskey dick” came from.

If you achieve and maintain an erection about 80% of the time, it is completely normal. When the number starts getting down around 50%, you might have a problem.

What Can I Do to Prevent Erectile Dysfunction?

To prevent temporary erection problems; you can drink alcohol in moderation. If you plan on having sex that night; don’t pound a bunch of beers and take twenty bong rips. A little discipline can help your sexual performance and you can still have a good time with moderation.

It’s difficult to say how to prevent the actual onset of Erectile Dysfunction because it sometimes occurs suddenly or over time. Multiple factors, both mental and physical, contribute to ED and you will learn them all here.

How Should I Treat Erection Problems?

Over the years; there have been many products that have claimed to eradicate erection problems. It just depends on what you are willing to take a chance on. You could treat it naturally or you could opt for surgery, medication, penis pumps, injections, suppositories or therapy.

Are There Specialists for Erectile Dysfunction?

There are no Erectile Dysfunction specialists because of the multiple causes. Your family doctor will have knowledge of your medical history so they might be able to tell you if you have any conditions that could contribute to erection problems. They would probably prescribe medications, but it would be something like Viagra. They also might refer you to a therapist.

Will Erectile Dysfunction Treatment be covered by My Insurance?

Most insurance companies will cover at least a portion of a medical condition that is found to be contributing to your ED. They might cover medication, but only if it is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Sex therapy would probably not be covered by your insurance. Ask your insurance company about a treatment that your doctor suggests to see if they will cover it.

Is Erectile Dysfunction Just in My Mind?

ED involves restricted blood flow to the penis so it does affect you physically. Some contributing factors could be mental or emotional, but most ED stems from a physical ailment. Mental problems can make the condition worse. Older men most often have physical ailments that cause it. Mental causes are prominent among men that are younger. ED might actually contribute to mental problems and put you in a vicious circle unless you make an effort to treat it.

So, Is Erectile Dysfunction Mental or Physical?

Although the outcome of ED is physical; mental conditions can cause it. If you can achieve erections at other times outside of sexual intercourse then the ED is definitely caused by a mental problem. Stress, anxiety and depression can cause ED if you allow them to escalate until they disrupt your body.

If you have any physical condition that affects your veins, blood or sex organs then you are susceptible to having ED.

Some physical conditions that contribute to ED are heart problems, diabetes, high blood pressure and more. Diabetes is especially guilty in causing ED. As a matter of fact; over half of men who suffer from diabetes also suffer from ED. Men who are being treated for prostate cancer with radiation and surgery often suffer from it as well. Problems with low testosterone could also contribute to ED.

Are My Medications Affecting My Erectile Dysfunction?

They could be. Many prescription drugs could contribute to ED, especially if you abuse them. Any medication that contains beta-blockers could cause ED because they affect blood flow. Antidepressants have also been known to cause ED. CAUTION: If you suspect that any of your medication is causing your ED; do not stop taking it unless you consult your physician first.

Am I Doing Something Wrong to Cause My Erectile Dysfunction?

It is possible. Alcohol and drug abuse are contributing factors to ED. So are obesity, smoking and lack of exercise. Alcohol can sometimes promote sexual desire, but too much of it can disrupt your ability to actually engage in the act.

Does My Age Affect Erectile Dysfunction?

We have already learned that ED is more common in older men, but growing older doesn’t necessarily mean that you are going to have ED. The percentage of men with ED climbs with age, but that doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with you. Many older men who suffer from ED don’t treat it because they assume that it is part of getting older. It is not.

Will Doctors Tell Me the Same Thing as This Book?

Depending on which doctor you go to; they will suggest various things. Most of them will suggest that you take medications like Viagra, Cialis or Levitra. These three medications definitely work, but they don’t address the initial problem. These medications send a rush of blood to your penis no matter what is causing your ED.

They might also suggest penis hand pumps, vacuum pumps or injections. If you have no visible ailments that would contribute to your ED then your doctor might refer you to a therapist. They are not likely to take the time to teach you what this guide does about erectile dysfunction.

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