Intro: The Subject of Erectile Dysfunction

Judging by how long our species has been around; erectile dysfunction is essentially a new problem for men. Men have always been the “dominant” sex because of their size and strength. Many men throughout history have relied on their sexual prowess to maintain their dominance. In recent years; some men who suffer from erectile dysfunction start to feel like they aren’t so dominant. They don’t feel like the physical specimen that human males were built to be.

Because of the physical prowess of males; females throughout history have been labeled as the fairer sex. Their role, for the most part, has been confined to being mothers and caregivers. Men have relied on them to cook their meals and maintain the household while the men go out and earn a living or “hunt and gather”. This has caused a lot of women to be looked at as objects rather than equals. Men feel like they own them because they feel that they are their protectors. Things that are considered too hard for women to do are left to men who, in turn, feel like they are the boss.

When looking back through human history; men have been relied upon to provide food and shelter, to make weapons, to fight wars and lead nations. Spectator sports and games have also been dominated by men, mostly because of their physical strength. Men have dominated our governments, our religions, our wars and even our businesses. This has given many men an inflated sense of purpose. They have grown accustomed to the role that they have played in society throughout the years and they certainly don’t want to let go of that power.

The feeling of physical superiority has been engrained in us over centuries of human evolution. It’s part of who we are as men. More often than not; this feeling is perpetuated by our sense of pride in our sexual and reproductive abilities. If a man is less than stellar in the bedroom; he tends to feel like less of a man.

Even before we could speak; men have felt a feeling of superiority. Not because of their intelligence or leadership skills but because of the ability to make a woman pregnant. Being able to perpetuate the miracle of bringing life into the world has given men bravado and the feeling that they are the leaders of the human race.

This gives men a great sense of power, but that balance of power is more delicate than you think. It only takes one small factor to diminish a man’s sense of pride and bravado. All those years of being the hunters, the protectors, the providers are erased in a single instance. They are stripped of their pride and the world around them becomes a much different place.

It is such a minor thing in the grand scheme of things, but it means the world to men. In one fell swoop; all the conditioning and the belief that men are the superior sex is replaced by feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness and devalues them as human beings. It feels like a quicksand of emotions that tends to drag men down to the point of defeat. Out of all the things we deal with as humans; it’s the one thing that can bring men to their knees. What is this powerful force that can weaken and devalue men from all walks of life? I am referring, of course, to erectile dysfunction; the scourge of men across the globe.

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