Giving Her An Orgasm - Chapter 9: Level 4: Aftermath – Beginning Your Next Seduction Right After Her Orgasm
This level deals with what happens right after both of you has had one or more orgasms. She will be sliding back down her arousal scale and cooling down from a hot session of lovemaking.
She loses the pinkish red hue to her skin. Her nipples and breasts return to normal. Her clitoris is no longer enflamed. Her labia minora and labia majora are both reduced to their normal state. This is the aftermath.
Along with her physical state returning to normal; her mental state is returning to normal as well. We are not dealing with the physical aspects of the aftermath. We are going to deal with the emotional aspects. This is how you will ensure that she will want to do this again and again. You will be essentially reinforcing all the
physical and emotional pleasure you just gave her. There are a lot of men who focus on the wrong things during this level. They are too concerned with their performance rather than how satisfied the woman is. Men like this forget how crucial the “cuddling” phase is. This level is very important to a woman and we need to realize that.
Don’t assume that, just because you just gave her multiple orgasms and maybe even given her an orgasm with penile penetration that you can disregard the last level. This level is just as crucial as all the others. Regardless of how important it is for you, it is very important to her whether she realizes it or not. If you are a man who knows this; you probably have a leg up on every other lover she has had. It will be like entering uncharted waters.
Sexual satisfaction and gratification doesn’t end when you both have an orgasm. It’s an ongoing process, especially if you plan on having sex with the same person again in the near future. If you want to be a great and memorable lover; you need to start on the next session directly after this one. This level can also be very relaxing for you because it doesn’t take a lot of effort. All you need is compassion and a need to have a meaningful ongoing sexual affair.
If you don’t fully satisfy her during sex; she is not going to be very motivated to have sex with you again. If women aren’t satisfied the first time; many of them bail on the relationship and go in search of a man who can satisfy them. The goal should be a satisfying orgasm for her because it is fairly easy for you to have an orgasm. If you don’t give her one; she has very little incentive to give you another go at it.
Some women will take in the moments after sex to contemplate on what kind of man you really are. If you just gave her multiple orgasms you will already have an advantage going into this level. The way you reinforce these feelings of contentment and fulfillment is to remain loving and cuddle with her afterwards. It will also reinforce the notion that you are a man who puts her needs first. You already let her know by giving her orgasms. Now you are letting her know you are a keeper by being a romantic gentleman even after you have been sexually satisfied.
If you roll over and go to sleep after sex, you are going to give her the wrong impression. She will think that all your passion came from your need for sex and not out of a need to please her. She will start to rethink her affection for you. Any negative feelings like this could affect her desire to have sex with you again. Even if you do have sex; you will have a harder time getting her back to peak arousal. Much of the female orgasm process is mental.
What to Do after the Sex is Over
I will discuss three basic options of what to do when the sex is over and you have both had a satisfying orgasm or orgasms. The three options come with their own unique set of circumstances and possible outcomes. It’s hard to say which of these options will work best for you. It really depends on the individuals involved. I will discuss each option with some detail so you will be prepared to do whatever option you feel is right in the moment.
1. Move on to Another Activity- This option will depend largely on what type of person you are and how you react after having an orgasm. Some people become indifferent after an orgasm and some people feel the need to get up and do something or move on to something else.
Humans think about sex for a surprisingly large portion of the day. This is one of the only times that we are not thinking about sex. That can have a different effect on different people. This option might be good for you because you get things done that have nothing to do with the pursuit of sex, but it might leave her feeling a bit used.
Pros: It can be a good thing to move on to other things without sex on your mind. Sex makes you feel refreshed and revitalized and you may feel like you can take on the world. It boosts your confidence and you feel like a virile specimen who can accomplish anything. You will be in a pretty good mood, but what about her?
Cons: It’s debatable whether this option is good for you, but it is one of the worst options for her. She will probably feel like you got what you wanted and you are no longer interested in her company. This could be damaging for any chances of having sex with her again.
2. Sleep is Always an Option- This choice may seem like a good thing to do when you think about it. You just gave her multiple orgasms and you spent a lot of energy doing it. You just had a draining orgasm yourself and a nap sounds pretty good at that moment. But again; what about her?
Pros: The only real pro you can say about this option is that you get some much needed rest. You will feel triumphant from all the orgasms you just gave her and you may feel like you deserve some shut-eye. This might be true, but that’s not necessarily what she wants. She wants to reflect on the pleasure you just gave her and the bonding opportunities during this time are crucial.
Cons: Falling asleep isn’t as bad as running off to do something else, but it’s not good for her either. It will be hard for her to believe that you are a nice guy if you say wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am and roll over and start snoring after sex.
3. Play with Her- This is, by far, the best option for both of you. It holds her attention and builds her bond with you. It makes her want to have sex with you again. You get to begin early seduction for the next time you have sex. You might just make her want to have sex with you all the time.
Remember that women like a slow build when it comes to their satisfaction. They also like that steady flow of affection after sex. She will be vulnerable and emotional from the intense mental and physical release she just went through. This option will strengthen her bond with you almost as much as the multiple orgasms will.
You don’t have to spend tons of time and effort on this option. You could lie there with her for a few minutes and it would seem like an eternity to her. She will know that you have a genuine interest in her as a person. She will also be famished and still in the euphoria of the orgasms you just gave her. She will grow closer to you
in these moments than she does when you take her out on a date.
You should talk to her. Get to know more about her. Smile and laugh with her. Hug her. Kiss her gently here and there as you talk. Touch her a little bit without being sexual. She will appreciate this and the experience will stick with her and solidify your bond.
This option helps solidify feelings of love in a serious relationship. It can also incite future passion in a purely sexual relationship. There are good consequences all the way around.
The sexual experience for her does not stop when she comes down from her orgasm. Her experience encompasses the entire process that I have explained to you. The part after orgasm is just as important to her as the parts leading up to it and the orgasm itself.
She wants you to pay attention to her. She wants you to respect her as a woman and not just an object of desire. When you were stimulating her during sexual intercourse, you were adding to her desire. After the orgasms are over; you are adding to your emotional bond and also adding to her need to have sex with you many, many more times.
There are just too many advantages to this level to ignore it.